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FDA Warns Certain Acne Treatments May Cause Serious Reactions

When a company markets a product for use by the public in Fulton County, Georgia, it is their responsibility to ensure that their product label contains information on possible side effects so that the consumer will know what to look out for and how to handle them if they do occur. If a product does not have the proper warnings on it and a consumer suffers a reaction or side effect after use of the product, he or she may have a case of products liability against the manufacturer.

The FDA is warning consumers about possible allergic reactions to certain products used to treat acne. Although these reactions are typically rare, they can cause serious and even life-threatening reactions. In the last 44 years, there have been 131 cases reported of adverse allergic and hypersensitive reactions to these types of products. In order to educate the public on the possible dangers associated with using these products, the FDA has released a Drug Safety Communication.

The acne products that are of concern are those that are sold over-the counter and contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredients and are topically applied. Although these products currently do have warnings on their labels about some of the less harmful possible reactions, the warning labels say nothing about the possibility of the more serious ones.

If you have had a severe reaction to acne medication, or any other product where there was no proper warning on the label, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages.

Source: FDA, “Topical Acne Products Can Cause Dangerous Side Effects,” June 25, 2014

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